After another crazy party weekend in La Paz with CeciĀ“s lovely friends and family we have now left the big city and are at the famous Titicaca lake - an oasis of blue in the middle of the Altiplano. The scenery is stunningly beautiful and the lake is an unbelievable shade of blue with cloudless skies every day. I completely understand why the Incas believe that the sun was born here...

We spent 2 wonderful days on the
Isla del Sol and hiked from one end to the other in blinding sunshine (my ears are peeling now...). A fantastic walk, partly on old pre-Inca roads with blueblueblue all around. We have climbed every single mountain on the island and built cairns on those who did not have one yet. What fun!
We slept in our tent on a little secluded beach and admired the sunset from top of a mountain, the sunrise from the warmth of our sleeping bags. What bliss! I just love sleeping while listening to the waves! Very romantic indeed ;-).

It was great walking past lots of farmers looking after their animals and going after their daily chores, oblivious to a so much more civilised world on the shores of the lake. I have never seen so many happy pigs in my life! Pigs crazing with sheep, sheep drinking on the beach, donkeys shouting and carrying huge loads of harvest, herds of sheep and llamas, chickens everywhere....
A different world, very relaxing.
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