The world´s most dangerous road - Craig´s report

The road winds its way down 3345 metres through the mountains from La Cumbre (4640 m) to Yolosa (1295 m) over a distance of about 70km. The first half is on sealed road - descending 1600 metres at a terrifying 70 kph - it was wicked fun! Unfortunately we had our first casualty within the first 10 minutes - some fool caused an accident and Brenton (an aussie guy we´ve befriended along the way) went over the handlebars while trying to avoid other fallen riders. Sadly he broke his collar bone and is returning home while he convalesces.
After the hair-raising descent and a short climb the best was yet to come as we turned off the pavement onto the unsealed section - the "death road". Here we were split into smaller groups according to riding skill and/or blind stupidity. Of course your truly just had to be at the front of the fastest group...
Over the next 35 km or so we raced down the mountain, down through the clouds on a slippery gravel track only 3m wide, around blind hairpin bends with sheer cliffs to our right and 1000 m drops to our left. Wow! Awesome fun! Miraculously everyone survived and after a hot shower and nice lunch we spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the lower altitude and warmer climate poolside at a hotel in Coroico. After a long bus ride back to La Paz I arrived tired but very happy after an amazing day!
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