This is a picture of the falls on the Argentinian side. You can see a jetboat at the bottom of the fall to give you an idea of dimension. We were able to walk up really close to all these falls on walkways - close enough to have a shower!
On the second day at the falls we got caught in a tropical rainstorm which was great fun. Got soaked to the skin, thankfully had our cameras in plastic bags anyway. Great fun walking peacefully through the park in torrential downpours! But we saw Toucans! And Caimans! and some other deer like animals we do not know the name of. And yes, hordes of tourists! mostly very fetchingly dressed in bin liners!
We also went to Itaipu, the biggest hydroelectric power plant in the world with 14,000 Megawatt and an 8 km long dam. Craig was very very excited (guy´s stuff!). I will spare you the 3 dozen pictures he took unless....
We are now off to Recife and Olinda in the far North East of Brazil to enj0y some quiet beach time and scuba diving before the Carnaval madness starts. Todo bem!
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