Buenos Aires
And, most importantly, the fantastic food! Craig thinks he died and went to heaven because he can have steak every night, BBQ´d to perfection and very cheap indeed. It´s amazing. We have these elaborate dinners with tons of top quality meat, vegetables, salads and one or two bottles of brilliant vino and still do not manage to spend over 10 Pounds. GREAT! we might well settle down here! The City of Evita, Tango and Steak!
I have been identified as an Evita look-alike which was hilarious. The woman actually wanted a picture with me! Hee hee! Very flattering...
On Thursday we are off to Patagonia, El Calafate and El Chalten to explore the National Parks around los Glaciares and Torres del Paine. Very exciting!! We are going on two treks, one for 5 days to see the glaciers and if we like it and the weather permits we will do a 10 day one in Torres del Paine to see the famous Mount Fitzroy peaks. There is some great pictures on www.patagonia.com.ar if you want to have a look.
I might not be able to do any updates for the next two weeks as in gaucho no-mans-land but will get in touch once we travel back up north towards Bariloche.