While Craig's mum Mollie was over in Germany we did lots of little touristy excursions to show her the hotspots of the country and also for me and Craigo to say goodbye to Germany for the next couple of... months? years? (I prefer not to think about it too much).

We went on boat trips on the Rhine river and visited the Ludwig castles in Bavaria (here are some pictures of the famous Neuschwanstein Castle) and went up the 3000m high Zugspitze (using the train of course!), Germany's highest peak overlooking the Alps towards Italy, Austria and Switzerland.

It was a great way to see the best of Germany and the weather was glorious. And I think Craig's mum and my parents got to know each other fairly well (and some of Australia's and Germany's most popular folk songs). We all got along together and hopefully moving to the other side of the planet will be easier for all of us.
I would also like to add that thanks to my mum's delicious cooking and various Weissbier in Bavaria together with Schweinehaxen and a plethora of cakes has taken care of our weight loss in South America and we both put the stone we lost back on...

We are now facing the highly entertaining task of repacking all our belongings into boxes for sea transport and are trying to organise a container for the end of this month to Brisbane. Just as well my parents have such a big house as we have our belongings spread out across 4 rooms! (Thank you mum for putting up with the mess!) Once the container has left we will hopefully be able to enjoy the last month in Europe with lots of drinks with friends and my family. Naturally, we are definitely still planning to return to the UK for the appropriate farewell celebrations in November. I will be in touch!